Tuesday, August 6, 2024


           I’ll just say it: The fillings in my teeth are receiving radio signals. Yes, I know that sounds crazy, but crazy seems to be what I do.

          So it isn’t these band members:

           In fact, it’s Lucy Ricardo.

          She had the same problem. Like I need one more thing in common with Lucille Ball. You may recall my blog about that here.

          Anyway, it happens mostly when I’m trying to sleep. The second my head hits the pillow I hear voices. No, not paranormal voices—that would actually be kind of cool.  I hear commentators and commercials.

          I raise my head up, and the sound disappears. It’s not very clear in the first place and has lots of static. But it’s just enough to keep you awake.  Last night I heard, “For just a dollar a day,” then muffled news.

          The Mythbuster guys say it’s nonsense, but scientists think metal tooth fillings can act as antennas and detectors, and pick up strong radio waves. Then the fillings vibrate and that vibration passes through the skull, creating sound in the head. Lucy had crowns on most of her teeth, and I recently got a crown. So…


          Tonight I’m hoping the station plays some sleep-inducing music.

          If you’re ever unable to sleep, watch a few life hacks on my Youtube Mom videos. Wait—not that I’ll put you to sleep, just, you know, for something to do.

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