It shouldn’t be hard to buy a hose, right? Ah… but returning one. Now that’s a hose of a different color.
St. Bob and I
bought a hose. I won’t name the hardware store. Okay, it was Lowe’s. When we got the hose home it was a tad too
short. So we took it back.
We looked as
well. Sure enough, the last clerk hadn’t rung up the hose.
“No,” Bob
explained. “Don’t give me store credit.”
“But without
a receipt for it--” the girl explained.
Finally Bob
convinced her to let us leave the hose there, free of charge.
It felt like
we were leaving the scene of a drug deal. As if Big Louie is going to wait for
us to get in our car, then stand in front of us, shaking a big, green hose and
saying, “You think you can just come in here and leave a hose?”
We both agreed it was the strangest transaction we could recall. And we still don’t have a long enough hose.
Time to watch one of my Youtube Mom videos. Did you know there
are hundreds of life hacks on there? Check ’em out!