Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Oh, You Artists!

           For some inexplicable reason, I have many artists in my life. They’re in my family, they’re among my buddies, and they’re even sprinkled heavily among my Facebook Friends. So let me tell you what they’re like.

          They have no idea that they are particularly talented. They tear up sketches I would save forever as evidence of miraculous talent. When they paint something amazing, they secretly think anyone could do it, if only they tried.

          This is not so. Trust me; I’ve tried. I hurry, I use too much paint, and what I see with my eyes never comes out my fingers. Artists can make a sweeping curve and it will look exactly like someone’s face.  I make a sweeping curve and it looks like a wrinkle in the paper.

          They are also too self-critical. They will make something or draw something and find a zillion flaws with it. Meanwhile, the rest of the world is gasping in awe at what they’ve done.

If I could go back in time, I’d be Michelangelo’s garbage man, and save everything he threw away. Today these items would sell for millions.

          Oddly enough, all my children and my daughter-in-law are gifted artists! It's their drawings (when they were tiny children! )that I have posted here. None of them are doing it professionally, but every time one of them dabbles with it, I am astounded. I wish I could get my brain to work like theirs, and be able to reproduce some amazing thing I’ve seen—or imagined.

          So, if you are an artist, be glad in the gift. Save your doodles. Stop second-guessing your work (or send it to me). And know that the rest of us think you’re pretty incredible.

No art instruction on my YoutubeMom channel. But lots of fun life hacks—check ‘em out!

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