The other day we were walking through the grounds of the Sacramento LDS Temple. Sometimes you'll see deer here, and nearly always some turkeys. Suddenly St. Bob stopped. “Look at this footprint. Do you think it’s a mountain lion?”
Uh-oh. Yep, I did think that. It was fresh, too. He snapped a photo of it with his sunglasses for scale.
Now, you may think I don’t know my cougars, but I grew up in Utah and everyone in Utah knows several people’s cougar stories. I even blogged about my favorite one here.
The other possibility is that it’s a dog footprint. However, that would be a pretty gigantic dog, and what would one be doing at the temple? So I looked up the footprints.
Dogs leave nail prints; this one had none. Cougars have a dip on the top of their heel pad, and this sort of has that.
Wouldn’t you know this one was smeared a bit. Maybe the animal slipped. OR IT'S A SPY, AND TWISTS ITS FOOTPRINTS ON PURPOSE.
But I’m going with mountain lion because there wasn't one turkey in sight, and also, they used to have a sign there like this:
And replaced it with one like this:
And that’s a
lucky thing, because now I can continue making Youtube Mom life hack videos for you.