1- You’re too chipper. The last time you lost your temper was during the Carter administration.
2- You don’t look good enough in a swimsuit; the others would ignore you.
3- You look too good in a swimsuit; the others will despise you.
4- You’re a peace maker, and would try to get everyone else to get along, or at least join you in singing a few show tunes.
5- You don’t have enough tattoos.
6- You don’t secretly want to be an actress.
7- Your nose runs when you over exert yourself.
8- You’d need too many luxury items: tweezers, concealer, hair gel, wrinkle cream, lip liner, mascara, nail polish, etc.
9- You’re too exhausted from raising a family to be a diabolical manipulator.
10- You’d want to include the camera men and crew, to be polite.
11- You know too many party games and would make it too much fun.
12- You’d only be doing it to lose weight, and wouldn’t have that competitive edge.
So stay home and watch my Youtube Mom videos. Hundreds of life hacks!