A generator
in the truck caught fire. Luckily he was nowhere near it. He and a hunting
buddy had gone away for dinner, and noticed a giant plume of black smoke as
they returned. When they got there the
flames were just reaching the huge stash of ammunition AND a propane tank. They said it was like a war zone with one
explosion after another.
Then another
friend of mine, who races cars (I am so jealous; you know that’s my spirit
career), sent this shot of his car that also caught on fire. Luckily the driver
wasn’t hurt.
And then, at
the same racetrack, ANOTHER truck burst into flames—and yep, it had a generator
on board that caused the fire.
Maybe it’s
just as well that I became a mild-mannered (okay, a semi-mannered) writer who
sits indoors, perfectly still, and stays out of the heat wave.
But hot deals await you, my friend. Check
out my books on my website here.