Tuesday, March 4, 2025

White Out

           You know that thing, where you buy a new car, and suddenly you see that same model car everywhere?

          Well, my variation on that is seeing cars the same color, and it’s causing me to get lost in a parking lot full of white cars.

          St. Bob loves to buy cars (mostly he loves to negotiate), but generally he gets me white ones. And this must be true of all other car buyers, because everywhere I go, this is what it looks like:

Or this, minus the ocean: 

          I honestly snapped this photo myself when I last went to Hobby Lobby:

          In a café, I overheard a woman say she was so embarrassed that she had tried to get into the wrong car, and I thought, Once?  You’ve only done this once?  I must do that once every two weeks!

          If someone followed me with a security camera they would probably call the cops because I appear to be trying to steal one vehicle after another.

          But it would really help if the rest of you would stop purchasing white cars and get a little adventurous with the colors.  Thank you.

Instead of buying white cars, how about staying home and watching my Youtube Mom videos?  (Though none are about how to solve the white car problem.)

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