Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Warehouse Where?

          Have you noticed that every cop or detective show thinks it has to involve a warehouse?  Not just a warehouse unrelated to the plot, but one with NO LOCKS. EVER.

          Yes indeed, these facilities are apparently wide open for anyone to hide in. They are always low in inventory, and always have plenty of room to walk around, yet not see where you’re going.

          No one ever thinks to turn on a light.  The cops and robbers both creep about in the shadows, guns drawn in case they literally stumble upon their enemy.

          Incredibly, the bad guys know where all these spacious beauties exist, as if they subscribe to “Hideouts Unlimited” or something. Yet the cops need their top tech people to pinpoint the same locations. 

Inside someone will be tied to a chair, which was apparently left there by the warehouse owners, again for no reason-- along with plenty of rope.

          Or, amazingly, a body will be stuffed into a barrel containing a miraculous amount of body-dissolving chemicals. Again, too heavy to transport, the barrel must have been thoughtfully left there by the warehouse owners.

And speaking of the owners, they never show up. I’m guessing they’re at home watching detective shows.

Instead, take a look at my Youtube Mom videos—tons of life hacks, but none about escaping from a mysterious warehouse.

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