Tuesday, August 13, 2024

A True Disney Hero

            Yep, I’m a true Disney hero. Okay, Disneyland. Okay, heroine, if we want to get technical. Okay, true only if you don’t think about their movie heroes.

          Here’s what happened a few years ago. I was standing by the water’s edge near Tom Sawyer Island when I noticed a baby duckling all by itself. Where was the mother? I couldn’t see her anywhere around.

But what I did see were three drakes swimming over to cause trouble. Harsh reality nature show info: Male ducks sometimes try to mate with female ducklings, or peck so aggressively that they can kill a duckling.

          Now, this is unlikely to become a Disney attraction, so I reached into the water and scooped up the baby. The drakes swam about in confusion. I still couldn’t see Mama Duck, so I did what any sensible person would do. I began to quack.

It worked! The mother duck came swimming over. Fiercely, if you want to know the truth. The drakes scattered, I returned the baby to its mother, and the two of them swam away together.

          Whew!  Just another day in a superhero’s life, I guess. All is well. You’re welcome, Anaheim.

Be sure to watch life hacks on my Youtube Mom videos. Might even save you!

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