Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Man Cake

           Okay, we all know the upcoming holiday is a Manly Man one:  Father’s Day.  And we all know it’s a pain to shop for men because they have a particular electronic or power tool or sporting good item that only they can pick out, unlike women who are simple.  Not simple-minded, mind you-- simple to shop for. First of all, we love everything— home decorations, clothing, jewelry, handbags, cosmetics, flowers, gourmet stuff—the list is endless.  Incidentally, guys, this is why you’ve been getting nothing but neckties for the last few years.
            But I have solved the dilemma this year and created the perfect Father’s Day gift!  It’s a MAN CAKE made from all kinds of handy tools and gadgets men love.  It looks festive, it’s clever to the tenth power, it’s inexpensive, and your guy will receive items he actually wants and will undoubtedly use.  Here’s what it looks like:

            And here’s how to make one.  Let’s start with the shopping list of just 5 “ingredients” (all available at the Dollar Store, by the way):

            4-6 micro fiber towels, depending on thickness.  Mine were 16” by 24” and fairly fluffy.  Guys love these for their cars, sporting goods, you-name-it. Any color works.
            3 bungee cords-- again, any color you choose
            8 batteries
            One package of zip ties, 6 inches or longer
            6-8 small tubes of Super Glue with red caps

            Here’s how you assemble the cake.  Fold each towel into halves or thirds, whatever it takes to make them about 5 or 6 inches wide.  Roll the first one up, like this:

Now roll the rest around it to create the body of the cake, like this:

Hold them in shape with bungee cords.

Nestle batteries into the top, to resemble frosting roses—ha!  But you get the idea.  (Little kids will love making this, by the way)

Tuck zip ties in the outer-most space between towels, looping them over in a scallop design to dress up the cake.

Now tuck tubes of Super Glue in as well, to resemble lit candles.  The red caps are the “flames.”

Place your cake on a tray or platter and it’s ready to present to Dad.  This is also lightweight enough to ship to Grandpa. It comes together in just minutes, but will provide a lifetime of memories!  
Pin this on Pinterest and you can win a fantastic prize:  A one-year FREE subscription (worth $25) to Cooking Contest Central, the premier one-line website for information about cooking contests!  This site has been around for 15 years and I’ve won dozens of cook-offs and recipe contests I’ve learned about through CCC.  Let me know that you’ve pinned the MAN CAKE, and I’ll put you in my drawing!  Post it on your Facebook page and I’ll put your name in a second time, doubling your chances of winning.


  1. Great job on the post! I love how all the items can be picked up at the Dollar Tree! :)

    Here is my Pinterest post:

  2. Thanks, Karen! You can also use other items if there's something specific (and small) that your hubby likes. Probably not a power tool... ha ha!

  3. Joni, you have the BEST ideas! Here is my Pineterest post: and I've also posted it on Facebook.

  4. I hope you got something special for all that creative love you put into your gift. That's just awesome.

    1. Thank you-- The awesome gift is having a great guy to make it for!

  5. What fun! I love all of your craft and homemaking ideas. I'm going to see if I can adapt this for Mike, who loves firearms. I'll send you a photo once I get it figured out and made.

    Here is my Pinterest post

    I also shared it on Facebook
