Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Quiz Show Expo!

Quiz Show Expo!

          If you’ve ever seen a game show, you have likely heard my husband’s voice. St. Bob has announced more game shows than any other announcer, and he’s the Bob of “Bob, tell ‘em what they’ve won.” His “Come on Down!” is legendary. He also hosted several shows, including Truth or Consequences and Let’s Make a Deal.

          So it was a total blast last weekend, to attend the first ever Expo for game show makers and fans. 

           Bob conducted a couple of panels, signed autographs, and was interviewed for a new installation on game shows, at the Strong National Museum of Play in Rochester, New York.

          When I told our son, Richie, that they’re putting Dad in a museum, he said, “Nice. ‘Bout time.”

          Something few people know is that the hosts and announcers are all friends and get along amazingly well. This made the expo quite a reunion.

Bob is known for his quick wit (he was also the audience warmup guy), but even more for being a genuinely nice person. No swagger, no ego, just a regular guy who truly wants to get to know you, and help you if he can.  From the janitor to the CEO, this is how Bob treats everybody.  When I heard people calling him a “giant” and a “legend” I realized this is the real reason why.

So I’m popping some buttons with pride, here. And I just had to give the big wheel a spin!

  I have no secrets for how to hit 100, but I have tons of life hacks for you to watch on my  Youtube Mom channel.  Check it out! 

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